Precious mineral eyeshadows selection created via a special link between Earth minerals and fine plant extracts (rice, oat, and carnauba wax) in a soothing and covering power. This a successful example of coexistence of two Earth elements belonging to two different kingdoms, which let the light and color flow.
Mineral eyeshadow in loose powder. Aquamarine color, golden glazed An exclusive selection of extremely rare eyeshadows, made by mixing only pure Earth minerals. Each eyeshadow looks, searches, finds nuances and consistencies, many-colored shades and light, which make unique the final effect.
Mineral eyeshadow in loose powder. Satinized blue steel color An exclusive selection of extremely rare eyeshadows, made by mixing only pure Earth minerals. Each eyeshadow looks, searches, finds nuances and consistencies, many-colored shades and light, which make unique the final effect.
Mineral eyeshadow in loose powder. Incisive, it varies its tone according to the light going from slate grey to brown. An exclusive selection of extremely rare eyeshadows, made by mixing only pure Earth minerals. Each eyeshadow looks, searches, finds nuances and consistencies, many-colored shades and light, which make unique the final effect.
Mineral eyeshadow in loose powder. Bon bon pastel pink with a light green satination. It is delicate and decisive at the same time. Gorgeous! An exclusive selection of extremely rare eyeshadows, made by mixing only pure Earth minerals. Each eyeshadow looks, searches, finds nuances and consistencies, many-colored shades and light, which make unique the...
Mineral eyeshadow in loose powder. Dark brown with grey and green mud tones with the addition of smooth gold glitters. An exclusive selection of extremely rare eyeshadows, made by mixing only pure Earth minerals. Each eyeshadow looks, searches, finds nuances and consistencies, many-colored shades and light, which make unique the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Brown golden satin An exclusive selection of rare eye-shadows, created from mixing only the purest Earth minerals. Each eye-shadow looks and finds those nuances, shades, multi-colors and lights which create the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Brown golden satin An exclusive selection of rare eye-shadows, created from mixing only the purest Earth minerals. Each eye-shadow looks and finds those nuances, shades, multi-colors and lights which create the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Verona green satin on brown base, visible in backlight. Superb! An exclusive selection of rare eye-shadows, created from mixing only the purest Earth minerals. Each eye-shadow looks and finds those nuances, shades, multi-colors and lights which create the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Refined old pink, for any occasion. An exclusive selection of rare eye-shadows, created from mixing only the purest Earth minerals. Each eye-shadow looks and finds those nuances, shades, multi-colors and lights which create the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Awesome and indefinite, between periwinkle and silver with golden glows. An exclusive selection of rare eye-shadows, created from mixing only the purest Earth minerals. Each eye-shadow looks and finds those nuances, shades, multi-colors and lights which create the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Elegant satin periwinkle. Fundamental. An exclusive selection of rare eye-shadows, created from mixing only the purest Earth minerals. Each eye-shadow looks and finds those nuances, shades, multi-colors and lights which create the final effect.
Mineral eye-shadow in loose powder. Delicate lavender pastel with a light green satin. Adorable. Un assortimento esclusivo di ombretti introvabili, nati dalla combinazione di puri minerali terrestri. Minerali purissimi e soli. Ciascun ombretto ricerca e trova quella nuance, consistenza, sfumatura, policromia e luce che rendono unico l’effetto finale.